Singapore passport: The Singapore passport is the most powerful in the world, replacing Japan | Global Business News

Singapore has taken over Japan for having the most powerful passport in the world, allowing visa-free travel to 192 countries around the world, according to the latest. Henley passport Index.
After five years at the top, Japan dropped to third place as the number of places its passport can access without a visa fell, according to a ranking published by London-based immigration consultants Henley & Partners.
The US, which previously held the top spot nearly a decade ago, dropped two places to eighth. The UK, after the collapse of Brexit, jumped two places to fourth, the place it last held in 2017.
Singapore is a magnet for the economy, with recent increases driven by the collapse of China’s private sector and fears over political tensions. But getting access to the city’s travel documents is not easy. The country of 5.6 million people granted citizenship to about 23,100 people last year, and authorities earlier this year stopped doing so based on population growth.
Henley’s position follows that of the International Air Transport Association. This method differs from other passport indexes such as those published by financial advisors Arton Capitalwhich put the United Arab Emirates in the best position last year.

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