Social Proof Psychology for Conversions and Growth in 2024

Given the choice between a higher-priced product with quality reviews and a lower-priced product with fewer reviews, which would you prefer?

10 Tips to Get More Out of Your B2B Email Marketing (Attraction Marketing)

Email marketing is a very important part B2B sales way. With consumers doing more research on their own, there’s never been a better time to develop those relationships through email.

Building Audience-Centric Content with an ICP

Imagine you spend hours crafting an engrossing blog post with eye-catching visuals and a punchy title. You hit publish, expecting a wave of engaged readers. But by the next day,…

Is Inventory a Current Asset? Some examples

Have you ever sold a product you own on a digital marketplace to earn money? Have you ever used this money to pay off payment plans or debts you have?

4 Top Topics for Software Developers

While investors have traditionally used traditional sources of information – financial statements, income reports, and financial statements – they have added more information to other sources.

Overcoming Common Challenges in OKR Planning

Imagine crossing off every planned action item on your to-do list, only to realize you’re still miles away from your desired outcomes. Sound familiar? Crafting an objectives and key results…

Elevating Small Business Tech Stacks with Digital Work Order Software

You know what they say is the best part of entrepreneurship? You get to choose the 80 hours per week you work. 

What Is a Marketing Plan? Guide to Write One for Your Brand

In today’s data-driven landscape, random promotions simply don’t cut it.   The cornerstone of successful marketing lies in strategic planning, built on a foundation of deep customer and business insights.…

Equity automation improves operational efficiency and reinforces best practices | Awareness

Equity traders manage thousands of portfolios from multiple managers, in different markets, with specific strategies for different markets, while striving to achieve success. Sales desks use an Execution Management System…

An Advertiser’s Handbook to Maximize ROI Beyond Amazon Prime Day

Amazon Prime Day has come and gone again.