Pakistan’s Imran Khan will be charged with leaking state secrets

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan will open the former minister Imran Khan On the whistleblowing charges, Interior Minister Rana Sanaullah said on Wednesday, the latest in a series of charges against the former prime minister.
The case is related to diplomatic correspondence between Washington and Islamabad, which Khan said early last year was a US plot to topple his government. Washington has denied any involvement in such a conspiracy.
The decision was taken after Khan’s former chief secretary Azam Khan filed a court affidavit on Wednesday that the secret US letter was altered by Khan in March 2022 to further his political agenda, Sanaullah said.
The 70-year-old former cricket legend lost his power in a vote of no confidence in April 2022, when he said Washington took part after visiting Moscow.
Khan waved a piece of paper at a public meeting shortly after he was fired saying he had a secret letter, which talked about the dangers if he continued to get closer to Russia.
Khan went to Moscow on the eve of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.
Sanaullah said the secretary-general also testified that Khan told him that he had lost the letter when he was asked to return it.
“It is a crime to reveal a secret,” the interior minister said, adding that the government would file legal charges against Khan.
“I don’t think he lost the copy. He still has it. It should be taken away from him,” he said.
Khan said he did not believe his former secretary would testify against him. “I will not accept until I hear from him directly,” he said to the media after the court hearing.
In a tweet on Wednesday evening, Khan said, “In their desperate attempt to force me anyway to stop me and put me in jail, the gang here has shot themselves in the foot again. They’ve given me an opportunity. to put this whole Cypher drama to good use.”
“Tomorrow I will reveal the unconfirmed details of how this conspiracy was carried out to topple the most successful government in the last 17 years and bring in the embezzlers and criminals who ran this country,” Khan added.
The secret case is the latest in a string of charges Khan has faced since his ouster, including corruption, murder and sedition.

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