Chelsea Hackett exclusive interview before Jena Bishop PFL1 women’s fight

Australian MMA star Chelsea Hackett will begin her pursuit of a life changing $1.5m in the Professional Fighters League season opener in San Antonio on Friday (AEDT).

Hackett beat American Ky Bennett with a second round submission in the PFL challenger series last year and the impressive performance earned her selection in the 2024 flyweight division.

The Melbourne-born, Gold Coast-raised fighter will take on another American, Jena Bishop, in PFL1.

Watch Australia’s Chelsea Hackett in action at the 2024 Professional Fighters League. Streaming ad free, live and on demand on Stan Sport

The winner of the 10 strong flyweight field will pocket the $1.5m.

The 24-year-old personal trainer has had an interesting career, competing in Dana White’s Contender Series and Australian Survivor: Brains vs Brawn.

She spoke with Wide World of Sports about those experiences and her PFL dreams on the eve of her season opener.

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WWOS: Tell us about your Survivor experience. You were forced out of the competition with illness – you must have learned a lot about yourself.

Hackett: Absolutely. Survivor is really hard and a lot of people think that it’s just for TV and it isn’t real. But it definitely is. It’s minimal food, you sleep in the dirt.

We were out in Mount Isa, 50 degree days, two degree nights. Really full on. No contact with home, one set of clothes, you’re not showering, not brushing your teeth. You put yourself in the most uncomfortable position and see how you survive. It was horrific but as the time went on, I got more resilient.

I was losing crazy weight, 9kg and I got severely dehydrated, couldn’t stand up, dizzy. They checked my heart and rushed me to hospital, on a drip, a lot going on. Looking back, it definitely gave me some lessons of how far I can take myself, how uncomfortable can I get and not break. It’s helped me a lot in my everyday life.

WWOS: And what about this $1.5m PFL carrot? It’s life changing money – I imagine it can become a distraction if you are thinking about it too much?

Hackett: Yes, definitely and that’s why I haven’t really thought about it. I get asked about it a lot but as exciting as the opportunity is, I’m not skipping any steps in front of me. My attention has been on Jena and it is fight by fight.

It’s the first year that the women’s flyweights are coming for that (US)$1m prize. So it’s massive for the promotion. Massive for the fighters. As soon as we touched down in Texas it felt real.

WWOS: How have you been making ends meet up till now?

Hackett: I have a personal training business at home. I started a gym when I was 16. I knew that fighting was where I wanted to make a career so I knew I needed a job that allowed me to train a lot. I can work my own hours, put training first.

I’ve been running group fitness classes, personal training, every single day for the last eight years. I really don’t think I could be in the position I am in now if I didn’t have a job like that. I’ve always been able to train crazy hours and dial back my workload when I have fights coming up. I love doing it.

WWOS: And being based in Australia, you train almost exclusively against men?

Hackett: They’re all guys, I don’t train with any girls. That’s the hard thing about being in Australia. We’re such a small, secluded country that has a very limited amount of girls that fight, especially at that pro level.

So I’ve trained with guys my whole career. It doesn’t bother me. It makes me better, makes me stronger. You see some of the gyms in the US post their photos and there’s a dozen bloody girls in the photo. That is so cool.

I would love if Australia had more girls into the sport but it has its pros and cons. Training with guys gives you resilience and strength. If you can hang with the guys, it’s a good boost for your confidence.

WWOS: Your win over Bennett was very impressive. Do you feel like that has blown your cover a bit coming into this season?

Hackett: Yes and no, I think I’m still flying under the radar a bit. I feel like I’m like an underdog and I prefer that and then to come out all guns blazing. That’s definitely a position I like to be in. It’s less pressure on me as well.

My last performance was good and put my name on the map but the PFL has now brought these big names over from Bellator. They’ll definitely find out about Chelsea Hackett when we fight.

WWOS: Your first opponent has a jiu-jitsu black belt so I’m assuming you know exactly what her game plan will be?

Hackett: Yes it’s pretty obvious, she’s very savvy on the ground. That’s obviously where she likes to take her fight.

So it’s a black and white fight – she’s got her strength on the floor, I’ve got my strength on my feet. But I showcased my ground game in my last fight and I definitely don’t see it as a weakness. I’m not arrogant but I’m going in with my strategy and fighting my fight.

WWOS: So what are the keys to keeping the fight off the ground?

Hackett: Distance is a massive thing, maintaining distance on my end, making sure that she can’t get on the inside.

Using my kicks, taking it back to my Muay Thai background, just staying true to what I know and where I feel the most comfortable in a fight.

Obviously takedown defence is huge, which we’ve been working on in camp. We know that is potentially something that my opponent is going to exploit. I’m super confident in keeping the distance, keeping it a striking fight. But also having that takedown defence on point.

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