The End of the Barbie Movie: Greta Gerwig Breaks the Gynecologist’s Final Line

SPOILER ALERT: The story features the spoilers of “Barbie,” which is now enjoying theaters across the country.

Greta Gerwig’s “Barbie” ends with a clever closing joke. Margot Robbie’s famous doll has turned into a human and it seems she’s just starting to ask questions, as it’s revealed she’s at the doctor’s office. “I’m here to see my gynecologist,” says Barbie with a big smile, despite the fact that she’s not naked (which is already funny in the film). The film then cuts to black.

“With this movie, it was important to me that all the pieces work on two levels,” Gerwig advised USA Now about creating the closing line. “I knew I wanted to finish the comic, but I also realized that it was very difficult. As a girl, I remember waking up and being ashamed of my body, and I was just ashamed in a way that I couldn’t explain. It felt like all the pieces had to be hidden.

“Then to see Margot as Barbie, with this big smile from the back, saying what she says at the end with joy and happiness,” Gerwig said. “I used to be like, if I can give women that feeling of, ‘Barbie does it, too’ – it’s funny and emotional. There’s a lot of tension like that throughout the film. It was always about levity and capital.”

Gerwig has earned critical acclaim for “Barbie,” which opened to $162 million in its opening weekend. This gives Gerwig the biggest opening report for a film directed by a woman. By the end of the week, analysts have been waiting for $ 100 million to $ 110 million for “Barbie”. The film drew on previous shows to make it one of the biggest franchise film debuts.

Robbie took part in “Barbie” because of the famous doll, whose personality is not what he expected when he leaves Barbieland for the real world. Ryan Gosling stars as Ken, who accompanies Barbie on her journey into the real world.

“Barbie” is now enjoying theaters across the country.

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A note The End of the Barbie Movie: Greta Gerwig Breaks the Gynecologist’s Final Line appeared for the first time All good.

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