Social Health Rewards: Importance and Impact on Patients and Companies

The Social Health Awards is the only patient- and industry-judged awards program that recognizes healthcare leaders for their hard work and dedication to communication and clear communication. good health – almost in all areas of culture and social networks. Thousands of votes are cast each year in 10 award categories and, for the second year in a row, winners will be recognized on stage at the Fierce Pharma Marketing Awards at the Digital Pharma East conference in Philadelphia.

Led by healthcare leaders, public health creates a space for people with chronic, complex and rare diseases to find the information, connections and certainty they seek, resulting in benefits for patients and the healthcare industry. Without the contributions of patient leaders in the health community online, on social media and beyond, public health would not be possible.

With the 2023 awards season just around the corner, we spoke to a Winners of the Social Health Awards 2022 to find out how this has affected their leadership in health. Their views highlight the value of this award program to patients, carers and the industry.

We asked the winners of the 2022 Social Health Awards to write something that has never been mentioned before – winning a Social Health Award has allowed me to __________.

From growing networks to conversations to new friendships and more, their status as winners of the Social Health Awards has provided new opportunities:

  • Jill King: My network has grown quite a bit. I am now on the Health Union’s Patient Leadership Council and I feel that I have more knowledge about my work and how communication can work.
  • Erica Carrasco: At the award ceremony I also met a pharmaceutical company that I had worked for in the past. The reunion allowed us to reconnect in person and lead the way to a new partnership. This company is important to me because it makes products that I have been using for a long time.
  • Eli Cole: 2022 was a great year for me as a caregiver and advocate. Speaking at Digital Pharma East is Natalie Hayden it was one of my priorities. My network has grown because I know I can reach out and help other rare and chronic diseases. I have also been able to refer friends and family to other organizations that are affiliated with them.
  • Aaron Blocker: Winning the award has expanded my network in terms of connecting with other patients and communities and making new connections in the industry which has been really cool.
  • Natalie Hayden: From the joy of finding I was selected as the winner of the Community Cultivator Award to Providing valuable information to Digital Pharma East to attend the Awards ceremony, it was amazing. I was able to make many connections during DPE and by meeting face-to-face and sharing my story, the opportunity has helped me to increase my patient advocacy clients and have ongoing discussions about the partnership moving forward.
  • Rachel Hill: Winning the award has increased the credibility of what I do, which has opened doors to working with new companies and brands that partner with me to improve the lives of thyroid patients. It has also empowered me and reminded me that my work is appreciated and useful. This has given me the confidence to take on new projects this year.
  • Ella Balasa: Winning the health care provider award not only expands my network to connect with other patient advocates, but also companies that are more concerned with the patient’s perspective and are learning the importance of involving patients in the development of drugs and products that will help patients better.
  • Melissa Talwar: The biggest benefit is connecting with other patient leaders. I learn a lot from them and I am inspired by the way they promote their communities. We go to events together, and hold talks with each other to spread awareness to all of our patient communities.
  • Crystal Kent: Receiving the Lifetime Achievement Award has opened many doors of opportunity to be interviewed and share my story in the media, radio, national magazines, newspapers and podcasts. These opportunities provided a great opportunity for me to share my story with the general public, helping to promote awareness and understanding of my medical condition and health journey in general.

Mutual Value

Patients and carers who work hard to improve healthcare are being recognized and celebrated, creating opportunities for empowerment, communication and collaboration with pharma and healthcare. Our winners represent only a small portion of the patient leaders Health Union can connect you with through our contact information Social Health Network.

Stay tuned for more information from Health Union on 2023 Social Health Awardsfrom nominations to the announcement of finalists, winners and more.

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