Russian civilians horrified by the war in Ukraine are ATTACKING MI6’s plan to topple Putin, a British spy chief has revealed.

Russians shocked by Putin’s assassination in Ukraine are signing up to spy on Britain, the head of MI6 has revealed.

Sir Richard Moore, and real life ‘C’ in James Bond fame, he made an explosive speech in the Czech capital Prague.


Frightened Russians are signing up to spy on MI6Credit: Getty
MI6 Director Richard Moore


MI6 Director Richard MooreCredit: AP

He said: “Today there are many Russians who are silently shocked to see their soldiers destroying Ukrainian cities and driving innocent families out of their cities.” houseand stealing thousands of children.

“They’re looking inward fear as their soldiers are destroying their country.”

It was the second time Sir Richard, a former intelligence officer, has stepped out of the shadows since heading Britain’s Secret Intelligence Service.

The spymaster said many Russians were struggle with moral and “cognitive” problems like their predecessors who saw Soviet tanks rush into Prague in 1968 to quell the democratic uprising.

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Sir Richard said: “I am asking them to do what others have already done 18 months ago and join hands with us.”

“Our door is always open.

“We will work with them with the wisdom and skill that our work is famous for.

“Their secrets will always be safe with us and we will all do our best to stop the bloodshed.”

He said Ukraine it also captured more territory in the month it was involved in the war than Russian forces captured in the previous year.

He said: “Putin can’t find anything he can do in Ukraine that will destroy the country’s desire to resist and win.”

Like revealed by The Sun two weeks ago, security experts said MI6 spies could help oust Putin by luring Russian coup plotters with money, gold Rolexes or even. Wimbledon furniture.

The lightning change on Russia Wagner Group mercenaries showed Putin’s cracks more weakness becomes strength – and now the West can step in to finally bring down Vlad’s house of cards.

Experts believe that Wagner’s rebellion signal “the beginning of the end” for the tyrant as he emerges from the coup attempt shaken, weakened and exposed.

Three leading security experts explained how such a takeover would work – and how the Europeans could provide support, sanctuary, or even outright bribes to the Russians.

Western countries have already supported regime change – such as supporting rebel groups in Libya and Syria.

Former army chief Col Richard Kemp warned that anything against the Russian leader could come “very quickly and without warning”.

Although Russia is the “most difficult target” in the world for Western intelligence agencies, Col Kemp said MI6 or the CIA could identify a plot inside Russia and provide additional support.

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