Robert Kennedy Jr. He lied about the Women of the Freedom Convention

Mother of FreedomA group that promotes parental rights in education, announced on June 20 that the Democratic presidential candidate, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. The annual Joyful Warriors National Summit in Philadelphia. A week later, the Kennedy campaign released a statement announcing that “Kennedy’s schedule has changed” and that he “can no longer speak at the convention.”

In the space of just 24 hours, Kennedy and his campaign gave three separate reasons for leaving the convention—all of which appear to be disingenuous.

On June 27, Kennedy’s campaign team told reporters that they had to cancel the event because of “schedule changes” and “family reasons.” At a NewsNation town hall that night, Kennedy told the crowd that she did not know the event was planned, saying the plan was for a working woman.

After one member of the audience criticized the answer as careless, Kennedy changed her answer to say that she broke up with her boyfriend after hearing that Moms for Liberty was against it. “gay marriage.”

In particular, Kennedy mumbled and muttered during the town hall’s responses on the topic while being brief and descriptive throughout the event.

Every excuse offered by Kennedy and his campaign seems bogus—yet The Daily Signal proved Kennedy’s infidelity through emails and phone records between the Kennedy group and Moms for Liberty, this was not necessary to drill into the Swiss cheese of an alibi.

It is highly unlikely that he canceled the event due to “family reasons.” Kennedy was given the opportunity to speak at the Moms for Liberty event sometime between June 30 and July 2. According to her social media and campaign website, she did not spend time with family over the weekend but instead stopped on her way. home from June 28 NewsNation town hall in New Hampshire.

Kennedy stopped Cleveland on June 29 before returning to his home in Los Angeles to take a video of him standing next to union activists on July 2. According to union officials hotel workers unionhe did not meet with the Kennedy group until Saturday, July 1.

One could argue that Kennedy really had family plans for the weekend—but instead of mentioning or repeating what he had said on the campaign trail a few hours earlier, Kennedy decided to offer an excuse, saying he was unaware of the invitation:

James Williams, a gay man who attended a NewsNation town hall, asked Kennedy why he had to vote for Kennedy after he agreed to speak on Women at the Liberty summit. Williams accused the group of wanting to “ban my [gay] love.”

Kennedy stumbled for several minutes, first saying, “I didn’t speak in front of the crowd.”

Then he reprimanded, reprimanding a female worker: “One of my workers agreed; I didn’t know,” Kennedy began.

Williams cut him off and criticized Kennedy for “blaming the staff,” saying, “You have to take responsibility.”

Kennedy replied, “I’m at the beginning of the campaign.” I don’t have full-time employees. We’re not allowed to raise money until April 5th, so I’m ramping up the campaign very quickly and accepting many invitations without checking them out. “

After admitting that he accepted many invitations secretly, Kennedy also threw his staff under the bus: “When a member of my staff, innocently, accepted it, and when I realized that. [wanting to ban gay marriage] it was their responsibility, I refused to go.”

Kennedy did not mention “family reasons” or “schedule changes” for canceling the meeting – but instead suggests that both parties did and were not aware of the invitation, that he and the employee agreed to the request, and the reason for the cancellation. The appearance was due to Moms for Liberty’s anti-gay marriage stance.

For those who want to be president, this is embarrassing.

First, considering that Moms for Liberty has same-sex marriage on its national team and also featured Jaimee Michell, the founder of Gays Against Groomers, at the conference, it is ridiculous to say that the organization “wants to ban gay marriage.”

No press release, tweet, post, interview, article, or any other statement by Moms for Liberty has opposed same-sex marriage or legislation promoting or encouraging court rulings for or against.

In response to Williams’ anti-gay comments, Tina Descovich, co-founder of Moms for Liberty, told The Daily Signal, “Moms for Liberty is very focused on our mission, which is to protect the rights of parents in all states, and we are concerned. and what’s going on in public education in America. It has nothing to do with who you choose to marry.”

Second, Kennedy appears to be lying about his lack of knowledge on the call. According to phone records obtained by The Daily Signal and an interview with Descovich, Kennedy called Moms for Liberty co-founder Tiffany Justice to confirm and discuss her appearance at the meeting.

Third, Kennedy appears to be lying about the “female worker” being the only one who accepted the invitation to speak at the conference. According to emails and call logs provided by Descovich, Kennedy’s campaign manager, Dennis Kucinich, also called Moms for Liberty staff to discuss Kennedy’s appearance.

Fourth, the worker who contacted Moms for Liberty was not another anonymous group as Kennedy claimed. According to Descovich and the emails I have seen, Kennedy’s schedule manager sent several emails to Moms for Liberty staff, including historical background and photos that could be used. Mothers for Freedom promoted.

Fifth, Kennedy says that no one has looked at the Mother of Freedom before. According to emails and call records, the program manager told Moms for Liberty that he involved Kennedy’s communications director and director of messaging in approving a press release sent by Moms for Liberty announcing Kennedy’s appearance.

Therefore, several members of his staff directly agreed with Moms to promote Kennedy’s appearance.

Justice, co-founder of Moms for Liberty, also confirmed the content of the website.

“I think he missed an opportunity because there might have been votes in the room,” Justice told The Daily Signal. “I think there were women who wanted to hear from him and his refusal showed them that maybe he wasn’t the leader they thought he was.”

Kennedy’s presidential campaign did not respond to inquiries from the Daily Signal by the time this story was published.

Why did Kennedy decide to leave the Moms for Liberty rally? The answer seems obvious: He’s running for president in the Democratic primary.

It’s no secret that in today’s political world, democratic politicians are more often aligned with teacher unions and progressive education advocates than parents.

President Joe Biden has said twice that the children of the United States are “ours” together, not just their parents. An article written by progressive education advocates denigrates “parental rights,” arguing that children need the government—not their parents—to succeed.

Kennedy knelt a leftists were outraged on his choice to speak to a group of parents randomly selected by left-wing groups and the media as “extremists” and “Nazis.” The Democratic Party is no longer the Rust Belt-, staunch working-class party of the 1980s and ’90s – and Kennedy is learning that the hard way.

Actually, progressives should find what Kennedy did last week interesting. Kennedy has shown that he is willing to do anything to win the election, even lying.

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