Kim Jong Un rejoices at the second test of a solid fuel ICBM | Material Issues

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un applauded as the country launched its newest intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) – the solid-fuel Hwasong-18 – images on state media showed.

Dressed in a white suit and flanked by his wife and aides, Kim presided over the second ICBM test on Wednesday, state media said.

Missile, that North Korea had already tested it in Aprilit flew 1,001 kilometers at a distance of 6,648km before crashing into the East Sea, also known as the Sea of ​​Japan, the official Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) reported on Thursday.

The launch was a “huge explosion” that shook “the whole world”, KCNA said.

Citing what he said was “unstable” conditions on the Korean peninsula, Kim also called for “greater efforts” to strengthen North Korea’s nuclear arsenal.

Early detection, it was reported by South Korea and Japan on Wednesdayit comes amid worsening relations between the two Koreas.

Kim has called for increased military production, while Seoul has boosted defense cooperation with the United States.

Seoul described Wednesday’s launch as “a serious threat that threatens the peace and security of the Korean peninsula”.

The United Nations, the US and other countries have also condemned the test, which took place as NATO leaders meet in Europe.

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