“It’s About Biden’s Hiding!” – Judge Jeanine Pirro Goes to White House Cocaine Allegation (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit | by Cristina Laila

Judge Jeanine Pirro on Thursday criticized the Biden White House’s scandal and cover-up.

The Secret Service he finished His investigation into the cocaine scandal that rocked the White House earlier this month.

Amazing, amazing! No suspects have been identified.

According to CNN, the cocaine was “found in areas not seen by surveillance cameras.”

No fingerprints, DNA samples, or leads!

Earlier this month a bag of cocaine was found in the West Wing after Hunter Biden visited the White House.

Initially, it was reported that cocaine was found in the Library.

It was later reported that the cocaine was hidden in a “cubby” in the West Wing storage area.

No one is buying this.

Rep. Burchett accused the Biden White House of a cover-up.

Judge Jeanine criticized the Biden Regime and the Secret Service cover-up.

“I think it proves to all of America that we don’t have justice. It’s about Biden’s cover-up!” Judge Jeanine Pirro said.


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