How to choose the best MicroSD card for smart security cameras

If you have invested in a smart home security cameraor a video door For that reason, chances are that it will have a microSD slot.

Depending on how you use your security camera, choosing the right SD card can be more important than you might expect.

In this guide, we’ll tell you everything you need to know about choosing the right card for the job.

Why do you need a microSD card for your security camera?

Of course, the MicroSD card is used to record video, but in the world of home technology, you can expect to be able to just store everything in the cloud.

Well, it’s possible to rely on cloud storage alone, and most smart home cameras work happily without an SD card inserted, but there are a few reasons why you should consider recording locally.

First, if the internet is turned off, your best camera won’t be able to record anything without a microSD card inserted. So, for peace of mind, we always like to have a card in our cameras.


Second, using local storage means you can often avoid subscription fees, as you don’t have to store data on the camera provider’s servers. This is especially important if you have multiple cameras from different brands, as the subscription fees for each brand add up quickly.

Using a local recording option also increases your privacy, as the data is stored by you and not sent over the Internet.

Finally, using a microSD card gives you more options when it comes to recording. Most cloud services won’t allow 24/7 continuous recording, but if you want, you can do it with a MicroSD card – and there’s usually an option to overwrite the oldest recordings when the card is full, making sure you’re always there. you have a recorder when you need it.

What do microSD groups mean?

There are several types of SD cards that you find packaged on product lists. With so much at play, it can be hard to keep track of what everyone is saying so here’s a quick summary.

Groups of power

There are three main types of microSD cards: SD, SDHC and SDXC. Basically these categories only tell you the storage capacity of a particular type of SD card.

How to choose a MicroSD card for smart home security cameras photo 5
SD Association

Standard MicroSD cards were introduced back in 2005, and at that time, they had a storage capacity of 2GB. This was impressive back then, but obviously, things have come a long way since then.

SDHC stands for Secure Digital High Capacity, the format remains the same but these cards come in at 32GB.

SDXC stands for Secure Digital Extended Capacity, and this can go up to a whopping 2TB. Most modern cards will have the SDXC logo.

Racing teams

The speed groups are where things get a little tricky, as there are three main points and they overlap a bit. You will often find all three advertising at the same time.

Both groups want to tell you the same thing, which is the card’s minimum write speed. The easiest way to understand these groups is to examine the table below:

How to choose a MicroSD card for smart home security cameras photo 4

SD Association

SD card speed requirements vary between security cameras, so it’s a good idea to consult the manual to see what you’ll need. As a quick rule, if your camera can record at resolutions above 1080p, such as 2K and 4K, you’ll want to go with a card that offers Class 10 / UHS 1 / V10 or higher.

What are the differences between MicroSD cards?

It’s only recently that we’ve seen microSD cards designed for security cameras hit the market, but for those who take their security seriously, it’s a welcome addition.

Most SD cards are designed for use in things like phones and cameras, where you can record up to half an hour at a time, and you won’t do that every day. While recording 24/7 is a very difficult task that can consume your storage time.

It’s true that any compatible SD card will work, and if you don’t plan on recording continuously for long periods of time, the standard. consumer-grade microSD card will serve you well. However, if you want to record everything, then it is better to look for special options such as Samsung’s Pro Endurance cards, Endurance of SanDisk Max and Western Digital’s Purple range.

The best MicroSD Prime Day cards do


The main benefit offered by specialized SD cards is that they are tested for durability, and their warranties reflect this. With a standard SD card, continuous recording can void your warranty, while the Samsung Pro Endurance card featured in this article is rated for up to 140,000 hours of recording over 16 years.

You can get better heat resistance, which can be important for outdoor cameras. This is advertised along with things like water and dust, which is nice to have, but we would be very worried about our camera if it gets wet. However, it is good to know that your files should be protected.

Samsung PRO Endurance 256GB microSD


Samsung Pro Endurance 256GB microSD

$20 $55 Save $35

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