House Republicans now have the views of Robert F. Kennedy Jr

Last week, every other presidential candidate and Nazi conspiracy theorist Robert Kennedy Jr. he pleased his fellow Nazis by saying that COVID-19 was created to save the Jewish people. This was the latest in a long line of antisemitic beliefs known to the younger Kennedy.

Interestingly, Republican House Speaker Kevin McCarthy has called on Kennedy to complain about “cultural suppression” at a House committee hearing on Thursday. You see, Kennedy is so undone, the Republicans can’t help but shine a light on him! Surprisingly, they didn’t call Anheuser-Busch executives to cry eliminated by right-wing extremists on the inclusion of a trans person in the story of Instagram. What an amazing oversight, huh?

Of course, what McCarthy calls “cultural repression” and people like you and me show that Kennedy is a Nazi antisemite who runs a terrible conspiracy theory that is causing untold suffering and death. Now, McCarthy has weakly criticized Kennedy’s anti-Semitism…

There are many ways to measure damage that Kennedy is starting the country, but no one is more visible to me this anti-vaxxerwho is harassing her three-year-old child for no reason:

* UPDATE: He asks us to go to the doctor and the way he acts + his heart rate and everything else made us sure especially because he was shaking and as soon as we got to the ER he shook and urinated all over. on the ground.. Usually doctors don’t treat small children, but he wanted them and he is drinking water.


We REFUSE any medication, just trying to figure out what is wrong.

The doctor has predicted croup and UTI and is running him away. So if he has croup what NATURAL things can we do? The same goes for UTI and the flu?*

My daughters heart rate is high for their age.. 172 and she has been lying on the floor sick for hours. This is the third time I have been sick in two weeks. They don’t usually get sick but I babysit and I’ve had kids get flu shots and go to daycare at my house recently.

However, he is 3 years old. He has never been vaccinated and has a fever of 102.3, abdominal pain and says he needs to have a bowel movement but only has one. These are his signs.

I noticed that his heart was beating so fast that I took it four times and then I downloaded the program to measure his heart rate and everything was the same: 172 bpm. A normal heart rate for three years should be 80-120 * .. 172 is higher.

So I’m shaking. Why do you think his heart rate would be elevated? My poor son is a soldier when he is sick. I feel so sorry for him. A picture I just took of him

for interest.

Kennedy is a terrible merchant of lies and pain, which is why he is respected by Republicans in the House. Even his obvious hatred did not help him. “Steve Scalise defends the House GOP majority’s decision to invite and place RFK Jr. in a committee meeting, where he denounces anti-Semitism,” he said. tweeted NBC reporter Sahil Kapur. Scalise said, “It’s a Democrat who’s coming to the fore — he’s talking about how you’re seeing a complete shutdown of the anti-Democratic ideology.”

Yes, we’ll be pretending that Kennedy is a “Democrat,” even if he sticks his ass in the middle of his right-wing media darlings and rants like Joe Rogan, Elon Musk, Jordan Peterson, and Alex Jones. Kennedy himself is well aware that he is not a Democrat, but he is getting a little attention in the Republican field when he thinks he is getting “in the running” for President Joe Biden.

To be clear, I really like Kennedy’s “shutdown” and its dangerous conspiracy theories and opposition. We’re not talking about political disagreements over the taxation of billions of people: We’re talking about the smuggling of false information that has ramifications for public health and safety.

But when you sleep with dogs…

McCarthy now has to distance himself in some way from Kennedy’s criticism, right pretending that they actually care about “censorship.”

“I don’t agree with everything he said,” McCarthy told reporters at the Capitol. “The hearing we have this week is about censorship. I don’t think censoring someone is really the answer here.

“I think if you look at the analysis in America – the first thing you do is test him, maybe he’s going through the same problems that we have,” he said.

By platforming Kennedy, McCarthy is complicit in Kennedy’s anti-Semitism. There is no other way around it. Is McCarthy “banning” me by not inviting me to speak to Congress again? Of course not; that would be stupid. Freedom of speech does not guarantee anyone a platform. Refusing the Nazis’ invitation to speak would not be “banning” him because Kennedy did not bother to express his views to the world.

But Republicans are spending heavily and trying to make Kennedy a commodity, hoping he can soften up Biden in the primary. He is Steve Bannon’s project as an agent of chaos. And even if it doesn’t work — because Democrats don’t embrace limits like Republicans do — it won’t stop them from continuing to try.

There is, of course, another surprise in Kennedy talking about “investigation”: He has been doing a long and expensive case to force Daily Kos to find out who wrote a critical article about him speaking on the Nazi party- he organized a meeting in Berlin. Here’s a quick summary:

You can get a foundation Here, Here, Here, Here, Here, Hereand Here. Briefly, a member of the DowneastDem group wrote about Kennedy talking to Nazis at the Berlin conference. Kennedy then filed a lawsuit in New York to reveal his identity. Kennedy says he wants to sue for defamation, but he has refused to sue anyone else for publishing the Nazi rally, and he has refused to sue me and Daily Kos, even though I have said very bad things about him. Kennedy is trying to abuse a local man for criticizing him, and we refuse to let him do it. Great people on Public Citizens provides legal assistance to the member.

A coalition of New York media heavyweights, including The New York Times, said wrote an amicus brief support our position.

Well, we just found out that somehow, Kennedy’s lawyers and investigators have found the community to be who they are. suing him for defamation. It is my understanding that Public Citizen continues to represent that person against this futile and stupid attempt!censor resistance.

Seriously, what goes through Kennedy’s head? He wants to cry about censorship, yet he is using his team of expensive lawyers (David Boies Law Firm) to target the opponent.

The irony is that I have personally written everything that a member of the community has written about Kennedy—and what’s worse!

The complaint says “Mr. Kennedy is writing this to publicly confirm the truth, to restore his name and reputation, and to seek ways to deal with the problem that the Prosecutors have deliberately falsely reported.” I have done a lot, with many listeners, to call Kennedy a Nazi. However, he unfollowed me surprisingly, but after someone who wrote a public article with a small audience of mine.

How about a quick follow-up, not after everyone else (and there are a lot of us) calls him a Nazi all over the media? It’s weird, to the point where we wonder if there is a connection between Kennedy and a member of the group, but it seems there isn’t.

For us, the case is ongoing. Daily Kos is not only fighting its efforts to disclose any information we may have on the account, but is trying to establish new legal protections, and is also pushing for a lawsuit against anti-SLAPP laws that prohibit the use of the courts to take action. in “Strategic Lawsuit Against Public Participation.” That is, Kennedy is trying to use legal means to undermine the legitimate participation of our community, and it has cost us thousands of dollars to defend. This should cost him more than a million dollars that he allegedly spent to expose our community (which includes lawsuits against Daily Kos).

We have been able to fight the Nazis Kennedy, Boies, the Nazi operative, and his law enforcement team because the Daily Kos group has supported us financially all along. It’s easier to fight for WWI and against Nazis like Kennedy when so many people have our backs. This fight will continue until the day Kennedy loses on all counts, drops or drops his lawsuit against our member, and pays everyone’s fines. Your continued support makes all of this possible.

Meanwhile, the Nazi Kennedy is the leaven of McCarthy and House Republicans, because they love his criticism, his hatred of science, his hatred of the truth, and his selling of dangerous conspiracy theories. He is the source of today’s fascist Republican Party, and no matter how much Kennedy tries to pretend to be a Democrat, all you have to do is look at the company he keeps.

Calling it home, Republicans have everything Kennedy has to say. No attempt to hide behind “freedom of speech” can hide that.

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