70 E-commerce Statistics and Things You Need to Know in 2023

E-commerce is the process of buying and selling goods and services over the Internet. Customers use electronic money to make purchases from websites and online stores. Many traders use it e-commerce platform managing all activities related to online marketing.

Owning an e-commerce business is becoming a popular way to make money. E-commerce has been around since Amazon started selling books in the early 1990s, but it has grown exponentially in the past few years.

Keep reading about e-commerce statistics and use this insight to analyze how your business is doing.

Global e-commerce statistics

International e-commerce is the sale of goods or services outside the borders of the company’s country, which is called the place where the company is made. Online sales and marketing is used to sell and sell in non-public markets.

Below is a list of top e-commerce statistics that reveal how the digital world has changed the world’s shopping habits.

  • Global e-commerce sales reached $4.9 trillion in 2021, and are expected to rise to $6.4 trillion by 2024.
  • In 2021, 2.14 billion people worldwide shopped online.
  • The online shopping market could grow to $334 billion by 2025.
  • By 2025, the global fashion market will reach $1.002 trillion.
  • Customers say free shipping increases their willingness to shop online by 49%.
  • 77% of online shoppers look at product reviews before making a decision.
  • 54.8% of all e-commerce sales in 2021 were made via mobile devices.
  • The average conversion rate for e-commerce is about 2.58%.
  • Argentina’s e-retail market will grow by 25% more than the rest of the Americas.
  • With a revenue of 1.8 trillion dollars, Asia is at the top of the e-commerce list.
  • In 2023, China could have a total of $43.67 billion in the global e-commerce market.
  • Between 2023 and 2027, Brazil will lead the world in terms of e-commerce sales.

Major figures for e-commerce companies

E-commerce is a rapidly growing industry that has revolutionized the way people buy and sell products online. Although most consumers recognize e-commerce as shopping, it refers to all businesses that are made possible through the Internet. E-commerce has boomed thanks to the growth of brick-and-mortar stores such as Target and Best Buy as well as global marketplaces with digital businesses, such as Amazon and Alibaba.

Let’s look at some statistics on the biggest e-commerce companies to find out how they are growing in their industry.

  • In 2022, Alibaba Group became the world’s largest online retailer.
  • Up to 57% of online shoppers agree to do business globally.
  • For e-commerce companies, Facebook advertising has an average conversion rate of 9.21%.
  • After watching an ad video, YouTube visitors are 1.9 times more likely to make a purchase.
  • In 2021, 55% of online shoppers said they bought something after seeing it in a Facebook Story.
  • Compared to referrals from external websites, Instagram Checkout users are 70% more likely to complete their transactions.
  • For e-commerce advertisers, the “TrueView for Shopping” ad feature on YouTube has tripled conversions.
  • Walmart’s online sales in the US will reach $64.9 billion in 2021.

Mobile e-commerce statistics

E-commerce businesses have been improving their mobile user experience for years to increase their online sales. Any transaction completed through a mobile phone is called mobile commerce or m-commerce. Convenience is one of the reasons for the increase. Consumers can purchase goods and services while traveling.

The statistics below show how well e-commerce has become through mobile phones.

  • 91% of people use their mobile phones to do online shopping,
  • In 2023, it is expected that 6% of all purchases will come through mobile commerce.
  • More than $360 billion in sales will be generated by mobile commerce in 2021.
  • By 2026, the mobile phone market is expected to reach $54.01 billion.
  • By 2025, mobile e-commerce sales will represent $710 billion in total e-commerce revenue.
  • 8.7% of all US sales in 2026 will be made using mobile devices.
  • In 2021, at least one in three American internet users completed a purchase with a mobile phone.
  • On Cyber ​​Monday in 2017, mobile purchases exceeded $2 billion for the first time.
  • Compared to email marketing, online advertising, and Facebook, social media influence their mobile shopping decisions.
  • Creating CTA buttons, such as click-to-call, can increase clicks by 45%.
  • 73% of users will switch from a poorly designed website to one that helps them make a purchase.
  • Mobile apps have 3 times more configuration, compared to mobile sites.
  • While in a physical store, 65% of customers use their phones to compare prices.
  • During the holiday season, mobile phones account for 40% of all online purchases.
  • Mobile site traffic rates increase by 32% if page load times range from 1 to 3 seconds.

Business statistics

Commercial purchases made from various devices are increasing every year, which is causing the e-commerce sector to grow rapidly. As it grows, it will eventually take over retail stores.

Let’s take a look at these statistics to learn more about how the stock market trades.

  • E-commerce sales accounted for 21.3% of all sales worldwide in 2021.
  • Mobile users will generate $3.56 trillion in e-commerce purchases in 2021.
  • Online sales were $4.9 trillion worldwide. And in the next four years, it is expected to increase by 50%.
  • Consumer electronics ($988.4 billion) and fashion ($904.5 billion) are the top spending categories.
  • Companies say that their in-store sales are the same as their online sales.
  • Online sales are expected to account for 16.4% of US sales by 2023.
  • By 2026, there could be a 24% increase in online shopping.

Consumer behavior statistics

The shift in the customer’s shopping experience from in-person to online reflects this new era of retail. Customer loyalty has declined, with consumers switching brands at unprecedented rates. These numbers speak to the latest changes in customer behavior.

  • 63% of consumers research products online before making a purchase.
  • Consumers are more likely to use brands that provide a more personalized shopping experience (84%).
  • About 50% of online shoppers have taken advice from social media before making a purchase.
  • More than a third of US consumers (36%) have tried a new brand of product, bringing the number of consumers who have tried it to 75%.
  • Of consumers who tried a brand, 73% said they would continue to look for new ones.
  • After the pandemic, customers’ desire to shop online has grown, especially for home essentials and entertainment.
  • 46% of consumers shopped online during the 2021 holiday season.
  • About 56% of consumers between the ages of 18 and 24 and 47.5% of those between the ages of 14 and 17 have made at least one purchase on the platform.
  • Local content increases a website’s chances of making a sale 2.67 times.
  • Facebook is at the top of the list of the most popular social networking sites for business.
  • About 49% of their purchases were influenced by influencers.

Social media and e-commerce statistics

Social media and e-commerce complement each other like coffee and cream. E-commerce marketers use social media to gain exposure, connect with customers, and promote sales through targeted advertising and organic content.

The statistics below show the huge role of social media in digital marketing today.

  • 25% of US consumers connect with social media before shopping with friends and family.
  • Sales are 32% higher when a store has social media than when it isn’t.
  • Instagram leads the pack with an average price of $65, followed by Facebook at $55, Twitter at $46, and YouTube coming in at $38.
  • Social media engagement increases by 66% for posts with less than 80 characters.
  • After viewing an Instagram ad, 75% of Instagram users will take action such as visiting the site.
  • Images in content increase likes, comments, and click-throughs by 53%, 104%, and 84%, respectively.
  • During the 2018 Christmas e-commerce season, 24% of holiday sales were driven by email marketing.
  • 60% of customers say they’ve made a purchase because of an email contact.
  • Emails about abandoned carts usually have a 45% open rate.
  • 61% of people prefer to communicate with sales via email.

Relaxation is good

The advent of e-commerce has greatly changed the way consumers and merchants shop. Customers can access anything, anytime, on any device. It is very important for online shopping that today’s consumers expect.

E-commerce opens up a new universe of customer information and customer information. Strong e-commerce sites will automatically collect data from online shoppers, enabling businesses to better understand their customers and allow them to make decisions about sales and marketing. drug development that has real results.

Find out more interesting information trends in the e-commerce industry in 2023.

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