2024 GOP Candidates Oppose CDC’s Promotion of ‘Chestfeeding’

Top candidates competing 2024 The Republican presidential nominee is concerned about the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s promotion of gender identity.”breastfeeding” babies.

In providing guidance on infant feeding posted on the CDC’s website, the federal agency emphasizes that “people of the opposite sex can give birth and breastfeed or breastfeed,” saying that “identifying gender or being exposed to people of the opposite sex or gays is enough. unlike their sex at birth” and “the gender identity of non-gay people does not fit well with male or female.”

The CDC also refers readers to the Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine protocol that interferes with natural male behavior identify as transgender Women who have had “breast augmentation” can “breastfeed” a child.

The Daily Signal reached out to all of the top Republican presidential candidates, many of whom have opposed the CDC move as a proposal.

Supporters of Ron DeSantis, the governor of Florida, and Donald Trump, the former president of the United States, did not respond to repeated requests for comment.

“CDC has a responsibility to protect the health and safety of all Americans, including those most vulnerable – our children,” Vice President Mike Pence told The Daily Signal. “The latest advisory is yet another example of a crazy lack of leadership at the CDC, which will undoubtedly harm a child emotionally or physically.”

“The culture of the CDC needs to be changed and re-think, so that the agency’s focus can return to protecting the public,” he added.

Sen. Tim Scott of South Carolina called the move “unbelievable.”

“The ‘science’ behind it is messed up, and it’s dangerous to kids,” a second lawmaker told The Daily Signal. “The left continues to go to extreme lengths to try to make everyone feel legitimate, even if it puts kids at risk.”

Candidate Vivek Ramaswamy pointed to the 2004 Food and Drug Administration caution for pregnant women do not use domperidone to increase milk production for safety reasons: “Due to the potential for side effects, the FDA recommends that breastfeeding women not use domperidone to increase milk production.”

“The FDA warns that some of these hormone drugs can pass into ‘breast milk’ and can cause irregular heartbeats in babies,” said Ramaswamy, a businessman and entrepreneur. “This is not science. This is the introduction of mental illness that the government is forcing. ”

Nikki Haley, the former governor of South Carolina and the only woman running for president, told The Daily Signal that “Biden’s CDC makes us look out of place.”

“China, Russia, North Korea, and our enemies are all laughing at us,” he said. “Get rid of politics, and put the health of our children first.”

Transgender activists say it is possible for biological males who identify as females to “breastfeed” a baby.

Two pro-transgender doctors report that a man was able to produce enough nipple to sustain a baby for six weeks by “establishing a regimen of domperidone, estradiol, progesterone, and breast pumps,” according to a 2018 report on “induced lactation.”

It is not known what concoction of hormones or nutrients is released from the breast or how it affects the development of the baby. The report does not say where the baby—whom the biological father may have raised—came from. Transgender-affirming doctors, Tamar Reisman and Zil Goldstein, did not immediately respond to The Daily Signal’s request.

The Daily Signal previously spoke to a number of women who expressed how medical professionals are more concerned about pregnant women who are born with a child. to warn the mother not eating good meat, certain types of cheese, and vegetables, and not drinking certain juices, caffeine, and alcohol.

The CDC did not return requests for comment on the topic, specifically on the potential health risks to infants who consume male breast milk.

Dr. Jane Orient he told The Daily Mail. “We don’t know what’s going to happen long-term to the baby” if an identified partner uses “all kinds of off-label hormones.”

A New York physician, Dr. Stuart Fischer, told the publication that it is “hard to believe” that a man’s nipple discharge is the same as a mother’s breast milk. “If it’s been tested a few times, how can we know the long-term effects?” he asked. “Short term is one thing, but long term in terms of physical and mental illness…”

“It’s an emerging sector, to put it mildly,” he added.

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