Iran executes ‘Mossad agent accused of threatening to blow up Ministry of Defence’ amid mounting tensions in Middle East – The Sun

IRAN has executed an Israeli spy accused of plotting terror in the country.

The Mossad agent was allegedly planning to bomb the country’s Ministry of Defence, the state media reports.


Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali KhameiniCredit: Rex
Iran executes more people than any other country except for China, Amnesty reports


Iran executes more people than any other country except for China, Amnesty reports

It comes after Iran executed four men it said were linked to the same bomb plot last month.

The four men were allegedly trained by the Israeli intelligence agency in an African country before entering Iran from Iraq‘s Kurdistan region.

They were identified as Iranian nationals: Mohammad Faramarzi, Mohsen Mazloum, Vafa Azarbar and Pejman Fatehi. 

Iran’s state media IRNA said they planned to target a factory involved in missile and defence equipment.

It was also claimed the operation, engineered by Israel’s Mossad, was meant to take place in 2022.

The plot was allegedly averted by Iranian intelligence, reports said.

The death sentences were carried out on Monday after the Supreme Court rejected appeals.

“The death sentence of four members of a group affiliated with the Zionist spy organisation … was carried out this morning,” Iranian judiciary’s website Mizan Online reported.

Iran executes more people per year than any other country except China, according to Amnesty.

In December, it claimed to have executed four “saboteurs” accused of having links to Mossad.

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The killings were seen as revenge after senior Iranian general Sayyed Razi Mousavi was killed in Syria on Christmas Day.

The four executed on Friday were identified as Vafa Hanareh, Aram Omari, Rahman Parhazo, and Nasim Namazi by the semi-official Tasnim news agency.

Iran – known for its brutal execution tactics – has previously announced the arrests and executions of alleged agents working for foreign countries, including Israel.

Tehran frequently claims to foil Mossad operations in the country, but the veracity of such claims is unclear, The Times of Israel reports.

What is happening in Middle East?

SINCE Hamas struck Israel in an unprecedented attack on October 7, the IDF forces have been rampantly blitzing Gaza to eradicate Hamas.

More than 30,000 Palestinians have been killed since the IDF started its operation in the narrow strip.

Just today, Hamas said a temporary ceasefire could be achieved within “24 to 48 hours” if Israel gets on board with its demands.

The proposed truce deal, which is understood to last six weeks, could see a pause in fighting and the release of hostages during the holy month of Ramadan.

As Israel continues its brutal offensive that is tearing apart the bomb-blitzed Gaza Strip, Iranian proxies continue to unleash hell on the sidelines.

Iran-backed Lebanese terror group Hezbollah has been engaged in daily border clashes with Israel – forcing a sizeable chunk of the Israeli army to be pinned down on its northern border.

And the Houthis, who are believed to be directly trained by Iran’s IRGC, have been attacking cargo ships passing through the Red Sea in a bid to support Hamas.

Roughly 10 per cent of all global trade passes through the treacherous route each year and about 17,000 ships, putting £2.4trillion worth of world trade at risk.

The US, along with the UK, have been pounding strongholds of Houthi rebels who have vowed to disrupt the world shipping route.

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