What is a CRM Campaign? Small Business Guide

Now that you understand the ins and outs of CRM campaigns, it’s time to learn Why? creating an effective campaign.

I’ve used these 5 steps many times, so I know they will work for you and your team!

Step 1: Define the Purpose of the Campaign

The first step in using CRM for marketing campaigns is defining your goals.

Defining goals is important because it ensures that you and your team stay on track when making future decisions.

Common Goals for CRM Campaigns

Below I’ve listed the most common CRM campaign goals so you know where to start!

  • Increase Email Subscribers

Many companies try to increase the number of people who subscribe to their email list.

These registrants allow you to create targeted campaigns and collect customer data for your marketing platforms.

  • Increasing Social Media Engagement

Social media is booming, and businesses connecting with their audiences on these platforms are creating deeper customer relationships.

In addition, social media activity shows you which marketing materials are performing well, and ensures that you execute campaigns effectively.

  • Reduce the Cost of Customer Acquisition

CRM campaigns allow you to identify customer trends and target customers accordingly.

Reducing the amount spent on acquiring new customers can increase your ROI and grow your business.

  • Increase Sales Quarterly

The most common goal of any marketing or advertising campaign is to increase sales.

CRMs provide data on existing customers to close more. Also, these programs have experience in finding new customers effectively.

Step 2: Set Campaign Goals

The next step is to define your campaign goals.

What do you hope to achieve after the campaign?

Setting goals ensures that your team is motivated and understands what they are trying to achieve.

Remember, these goals can change over time, so revisiting them regularly is important.

Step 3: Create Ads / Sales

Once you know the goals and objectives of your campaign, it’s time to create the content.

Your team should use their expertise and customer experience to create products that attract customers.

The type of content you create depends on the goals of the campaign. However, here are some examples:

  • Email marketing
  • Social media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.)
  • Advertising channels
  • TV commercials

Learn from your past social media marketing strategies and analyze ways to improve your existing ones.

Step 4: Manage Processes With Your CRM

Remember the benefits of CRM campaign automation I mentioned earlier? This is when it should happen.

Develop processes and strategies that allow your team to be more efficient and accomplish the most important tasks.

Things like automated email campaigns and social media posts free up time, allowing marketing teams to create and analyze customer data.

Step 5: Measure, Pivot, Repeat

The last step is to measure and track your campaign metrics.

Analyze customer feedback, leads, and other data points to understand whether you are meeting goals.

If not, don’t be afraid to change or adjust the campaign. After all, what’s the point of continuing to run unsuccessful marketing strategies?

CRM campaigns require frequent updates and changes as your customers change, so monitoring your progress ensures you’re continuing your efforts.

One practice I have found helpful is to have two meetings each week with my marketing team to discuss data and areas of improvement.

Staying on top of data collection and marketing analysis ensures you stay within your marketing restrictions.

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