Trump Was Broken As Georgia Supreme Court Dismissed Fani Willis’ Disqualification

The Georgia Supreme Court has ruled swiftly and unanimously against Donald Trump on his request to disqualify DA Fani Willis and quash the special grand jury report.

The state Supreme Court issued one 5-page decision:

In addition, the Court stated that, even if the defendant proved that the special jury had acted unlawfully, neither the removal of the subsequent verdict nor the suppression of the evidence was not an appropriate remedy for the jury’s problem because there was no violation of the defendant’s rights. and no misconduct in the grand jury was committed.

And, regarding the Petitioner’s request that to stop Willis in representing any party in any of the cases against him, we find only that the Petitioner has not presented his original request or the fact or order necessary to disqualify Willis from this Court at this time. For these additional reasons, Plaintiff has not demonstrated that this case is one of the rare circumstances in which a judicial review should be granted, and therefore, the petition is dismissed.

The purpose of blocking the special grand jury report is to prevent Willis from being Trump’s Hail Mary to avoid impeachment in Georgia. The world will watch the same movie if it happens Trumpet he has brought since he lost the 2020 elections.

Trump tells his lawyers to make stupid claims that have no leg to stand on because the former president uses the courts to send political messages to his supporters.

Legal experts understood that Trump’s appeal to the state Supreme Court would not work. It did not stop the one-time president from trying to appeal to his supporters and continue in Georgia.

Donald Trump is headed to Georgia to face impeachment charges, and the State Supreme Court won’t spare him.

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