The Cycle of Advocacy – WEGO Health

Pa Social Health Networkour mission is to support you as you grow from being a patient or caregiver to becoming more active in the community.

We want to give you the tools to:

  • Use your voice to inform the needs of your community
  • Support or oppose legislation that empowers or puts patients at risk
  • Organize and use the voices of others who are struggling to communicate your needs to industry leaders
  • Giving you a seat at the table when it comes to the world’s perspective, finances, and prioritizing your life.

By providing you with the training you need to become a Patient Leader, we help you follow the path of empowerment. This leads to the change we know is possible when voices like yours are heard!

In the world of counseling, we all play a role. Patients and pharma rely heavily on each other to develop new drugs and treatments. It is important for you as a Health Director to understand how money flows in order to get to the bottom line. Take a look at the chart below and let’s follow the advice process.

Awareness and self-control

We start with patients who get diagnosed and learn to advocate for themselves. Counseling can be about helping you get the help you need, or learning how to manage your illness. For some, the road is easy because the tools are already there. For some (such as those with rare diseases recently diagnosed through a holistic approach) the road can be very lonely. But when we stand up for ourselves in the writing room, we find that we can use those same tools to inspire the whole team and the cause.

Patient cooperation

Part of patient cooperation is important to reach the development of medicine. This can also lead to continued funding for non-profits, patient care, and sites like ours that provide community space. Numerically, we are strong. This is one of the reasons why we have been constantly working to find a place where patients can connect and plan how they can support their communities together.

But what does this mean? We are not talking about just putting up leaflets and having support groups. We are talking about creating real and meaningful datasets that can lead to treatment and healing. For example, patient registrants can inform the community about potential clinical trials and studies they can enroll in. They can communicate together and show a difference in care or support. This information can be passed on to companies, letting them know where urgent help is needed.

Patient-industry collaboration

Which brings us to the next step, patient-industry collaboration. The truth – and it may be hard for some of us to swallow – is that patient cooperation with the industry is essential to making money. each one trying to understand in each one village. Drugs are not created out of thin air, they are researched and influenced by the needs of the community that requests them. It’s you. It’s us. Working with pharma means we can go to the next step which…

Access to products and sales

Pharma will focus on the patient group to:

  • Conduct clinical trials
  • Show the importance and support for the approval of the drug
  • Work with other patients to market the drug, so that newly diagnosed patients know their options.


Pharma then profits from the drug, and can reinvest the money into charities and non-profits. This helps to raise awareness of the disease and continue to find patients in need of treatment.

Good results

Through this partnership, patients are heard, recognized, treated, and connected to create better outcomes in their communities.

If you are new to preaching and wondering how to get yourself into the counseling process, know that you have these three things that make the preaching process successful. As a Health Director, your responsibilities include:

  • Expressing the importance of having a good diagnosis, treatment, social acceptance and financial support – Your thoughts, ideas, feelings, and problems should be shared, whether it is on blogs, on social media, through information groups, or other opportunities the speaker.
  • Being in the community of your culture is a combination of what it means to be sick with this disease. This helps to reduce stigma and build empathy between those with and without the disease. This doesn’t always mean sharing photos, but rather being vulnerable and opening up about your experiences and helping others understand that you are not just a patient, you are a person with a life worth caring about.
  • And finally, your ultimate responsibility is to hold healthcare providers accountable for their work by providing feedback and guidance on their work to ensure that patients are always at their best.

As a Health Director, you are at the center of a positive movement and without your work, nothing in the health sector can be changed.

If you haven’t signed up yet, sign up to join and the Social Health Network.

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