REPORT: Fewer Young People Identify as Democrats – They Have Biden Opponents | The Gateway Pundit | by Mike LaChance

Fewer young people are identifying as Democrats and this has caused Biden’s supporters to worry that they will not vote for him in 2024.

These young voters are not becoming Republicans, they are becoming independents. On the left, independents.

The Democrat Party has been preparing for a split for a decade or more. The Bernie/AOC wing of the party is not identified with the establishment wing.

Politics reports:

Younger voters are becoming less likely to identify as Dems. It takes a toll on Biden.

Joe Biden’s Gen Z whisperer has a warning for the president: Get on board with youth enthusiasm now, or it may be too late.

John Della Volpe, one of Biden’s 2020 pollsters, has given this advice in a briefing with the President’s re-election team and in discussions with top White House aides.

After analyzing youth voter data for more than two decades, he told West Wing Playbook that voters under 30 today are less likely to identify as Democrats than they were in the spring of 2019. Many consider themselves independent, and even fewer see politics as “a profitable way to create change..”

The last three terms have seen young people turn out – and the party is as progressive as ever – but if these voters stay home in 2024 because of a change in opinion, Della Volpe said, it could damage the president and the Democrats.

Della Volpe, director of polling at the Harvard Kennedy School Institute of Politics, said: “These voters need to take a cue from the party and who they choose … and realize that politics can change. You can’t do that by advertising all week after Labor Day.” “

Biden has tried to sway these voters with climate change and other progressive policies but it’s not enough.

Expect the Biden team to respond to this by pushing ideas to the left.

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