One Illegal Vote Can Change the Election

Many people in the media do not want you to believe that election fraud has taken place. They say it’s easy to find Bigfoot. But election cases are no myth, and The Heritage Foundation has been documenting them systematically for years. When those who deny that terrorism is happening are forced to confront the data, the answer sometimes turns to “It doesn’t matter.”

After all, does it matter if one vote is cast incorrectly or criminally?

A new database developed by the Public Interest Legal Foundation shows that one vote can change the outcome of hundreds of elections.

First, the deception.

The Heritage Foundation is unique Electionn Fraud Database which provides examples of proven cases in elections from around the country. So far, the Heritage database has found more than 1,400 confirmed cases election fraud, and new cases are constantly being added. You can search by state or type of election case. (The Daily Signal is the news and commentary of The Heritage Foundation.)

The cases recorded include people voting for a deceased relative, voting in multiple constituencies in one election, fraudulent absentee ballots, and foreign nationals voting. There are many ways in which a person can make a mistake in an election, hoping to influence the outcome. If you spend a lot of time reading, it’s hard to say that fraud has not played a role in the history of American politics.

Remember, the Heritage database only includes cases that have been completed, such as convictions or convictions. It does not document fraud that election officials did not report to the authorities or prosecutors did not do.

Another problem is that many prosecutors do not want to prosecute election fraud. There are many reasons.

We saw this when we both worked in the Voting section of the Civil Rights Division on US Department of Justice. With few exceptions, the lawyers we worked with were openly loathe to prosecute election fraud. Even raising the issue of election cases was seen as a contradiction and evidence of “discrimination”, because they pretended that such cases were “decreasing votes.” After all, The New York Times tells its loyal public service readers that election fraud is a myth. Advocacy organizations that our friends admire, like the Brennan Center, told them too. that fraudulent votesd it’s a myth.

Reluctance to report and prosecute election fraud it also extends to government officials.

In some cases, uncertainty exists because these electoral violence affects local politics and political unity. In general, district attorneys have little experience in the electoral process, and tend to focus on the things they know, such as prosecuting thieves and drug dealers. Of course, they are always opposed by resources, so that a serious criminal case falls by the wayside.

But election cases are important and should be prosecuted.

One vote can decide an election, and it does, over and over again. The Public Interest Legal Foundation has collected data on hundreds of elections where there were tie votes—elections where a single vote could have changed the outcome.

No one can say that electoral fraud does not matter.

Take the Osceola, Iowa mayoral race in 2021. The election ended in a tie. Under Iowa law, the winner of a joint election is chosen by lottery. The names of all the candidates were written on paper and thrown into the candy bowl. Mathew Stoll was the lucky player whose name was released.

If that wasn’t drama enough, now a grand jury trial they question whether there was a valid agreement in the first place. Someone has been charged with election violations, so illegal voting may have resulted in the race being decided by a random lottery.

Do you think this issue of binding election is a one-time thing? A tied election, like election cases, happens more often than you think.

The Public Interest Legal Foundation‘s Related Database Options catalogs 589 elections that ended in compromise in the US. Most of these decisions were made in the last 20 years, although this is not a complete or exhaustive list. This database only scratches the surface.

This unanimous decision shows that a single vote, valid or invalid, can determine the winner of a contest.

No one wants an illegal vote to prevent the true will of the people from being heard on Election Day.

We all need to be vigilant whenever a crime occurs. It reduces any valid vote.

And sometimes they can determine the winner of the election.

One invalid vote is too many. States should prosecute electoral crimes. Otherwise, there is nothing stopping people from doing it.

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