Ken Paxton is suddenly worried about ‘impartiality’ in his Texas lawsuit

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton is still under investigation for this cases, but his most pressing problem is his recent criticism at the hands of his fellow Republicans. State Legislature voted to remove Paxton after that a record of fraud in the attorney general’s office it became impossible for even Texas Republicans to ignore. Paxton will now be tried in the state Senate.

Paxton, however, is still a big whining baby and is still trying to right the ship with his new demands. everything the Senate should be allowed to vote on his case. Paxton Attorneys now asking Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick to block three Democratic state senators from the case because the law makers they have said very bad things about him, so they are not biased.

The most important principle is that the accused should be entitled to an impartial trial. Like many courts across the country, the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals has maintained for nearly 100 years that judges who may be biased or prejudiced against defendants are not allowed to sit in its cases as a matter of law. Judges José Menendez, Roland Gutierrez, and Nathan Johnson are biased and have declared it loudly, repeatedly. For example, Gutierrez has said that the evidence against the Attorney General is “irrefutable.” But that is the purpose of the defense—to try to refute the evidence of the prosecution—and the job of the prosecution—to see if that evidence has proven the charges beyond a reasonable doubt. No one who has publicly declared the impeachable case to be impeachable would even attempt to act impartially, let alone serve impartially. And Menendez and Johnson are not doing well.

Blah blah, cry, blah blah blah.

Now, this is all very interesting or whatever but Paxton’s entire letter goes a long way to avoid the main point of this story: Ken Paxton is not facing a Texas Criminal Court. He must have forgotten, but right now he is facing impeachment by the Texas Senate, not a criminal case in court, and all this complaining about how the authorities are thinking about the evidence in his case is nothing but a big fountain of bullshit based on trying to equate the two things.

Did Paxton’s lawyers write this for Paxton’s upcoming trial, but accidentally put it in the wrong envelope? Since when have Republicans been so bad at enforcing “impartiality” in impeachment proceedings?

Yes, that’s what we all remember most about the two separate impeachments against Donald Trump – both Republicans refusing to make quick judgments about Trump’s guilt because impartiality about the process. We can’t even count all the Republicans who dropped the case because of their failure impartial except oh, wait—we can, it was zero. Zero Republicans.

What is happening here is that Ken Paxton is exceptionally gutless the removal of corruption is still in the game even if it is possible, and removing three Democratic senators from the voting booth would mean 21 votes for Paxton to be removed from office. only qualified from the 27 qualified senators instead of 31. That’s a tough challenge, even if a good chunk of Texas Republicans are finally sick enough of Paxton’s shenanigans to want to oust him.

Evidence of how Paxton thinks he wants justice, one of Paxton’s friends. He has filed a lawsuit wants Paxton’s wife, Sen. Angela Paxton, should be allowed to vote in the impeachment trial. This is because the state House of Assembly passed laws to stop the marriage of a man who was accused of, among other things, arranging a new job for the woman he had an affair with.

No, three Democratic senators have said they believe the evidence shows Ken Paxton is a twisted bag of fraud. However, the prosecution will continue when it does injustice are they playing?


Why is Texas AG Ken Paxton being impeached? Choose

‘Unmoved by disarray’: AP investigation reveals Texas AG Ken Paxton’s office is a shambles

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