‘I Will Prevent World War III’

PALM BEACH, Fla. – In an address to college students and the American public on Saturday evening, Former President Donald Trump he promised not to allow the United States to enter World War III.

“I’m the only one who can make that promise,” Trump said he saidamid the concerns of President Joe Biden consent to collection of Reserve Forces that can serve in the Russia-Ukraine conflict. “It’s a big promise, especially for you in this room, because you’re young. You have a great life ahead of you. I will prevent World War III. “

Trump spoke Palm Beach, Florida, at the Turning Point USA Action Conference, an event the organization called the most important political conference of the summer. The convention featured six GOP presidential hopefuls, including Trump, as well as minor business candidates Ryan Binkley and Perry Johnson.

In an interview with The Daily Signal, TPUSA founder Charlie Kirk he said that former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley, Vice President Mike PenceSen. Tim Scott of South Carolina, and Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis was invited to the meeting but chose not to attend: “Everyone who was invited was invited. [Democrat] Bobby Kennedy was invited! We have 6,000 people here. “

“Looks like Ron DeSantis has better things to do than talk to 6,000 people at home,” he said.


In a statement to The Daily Signal, DeSantis’ press secretary Bryan Griffin said the governor is “campaigning to win.”

“Governor DeSantis spent the day with Iowans and spoke to many at the Tennessee GOP Statesman Dinner that night,” Griffin said. “This was one day after he gave a very powerful speech at the Family Leadership Summit, which Donald Trump skipped.”

Seeking to return to the White House in 2025, former President Donald Trump appears on screen as he speaks at the Turning Point USA Action Conference Saturday night at the Palm Beach County (Florida) Convention Center. (Photo: Joe Raedle/Getty Images)

Conservative stars like Tucker Carlson and Megyn Kelly also delivered the remarks on Saturday, amid TPUSA’s signature raucous music and loud applause from the audience.

In a speech on Saturday night, Trump promised to “destroy the deep world” when he returns to the Oval Office. He also promised to withdraw public funding from schools that force children and students to be vaccinated. “If you have a vaccine mandate, from kindergarten to college, you get nothing,” he said.

The former president assured the audience that the 2024 election will be the most important of their lifetime.

“With your country, your freedom, and your future on the line, we are in trouble,” he said. “This country is in trouble. An election will decide whether your generation will inherit a fascist state or a liberal state; either you will have tyranny or law.”

“Whether the powerful Marxists burn down our civilization, what they hope to do, or young patriots like you will take America to a higher place than ever before,” he emphasized. “Besides, we will fight, and we will win.”

“We have no choice,” Trump said.


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