I was sick of people harassing me so I built a small CAVE in the remote mountains – I loved my life before the crisis.

A HERMIT told how he built a cave in a remote mountain after he got sick because of the people who were harassing him.

Petrovic River72, he moved to his small Serbian cave in the mountains to avoid people two decades ago.


Panta Petrovic of Serbia rests in his cave south of the city of Pirot in SerbiaCredit: AFP
Petrovic looks out of his self-made home


Petrovic looks out of his self-made homeCredit: AFP
Twenty years ago, Petrovic moved to a cave to avoid people


Twenty years ago, Petrovic moved to a cave to avoid peopleCredit: AFP

Before that, he was living a “busy” working life in the nearby town of Pirot.

However, after slowly isolating herself, she realized that this is where she wanted to be – and moved to the cliff.

Its small entrance is now reached by a tall hill.

He told AFP: “I was not free in the city. You were always someone else – you argued with your wife, neighborsor the police.

I built a top cave for our family of 5 - we always struggle with the big problem
I refused to pay the rent on the house so I moved to the cave and no, there is no loo

“No, no one is bothering me.”

Panta had shared his house with goats, chickens, 30 cats and dogs and he loved very much – an old boar named Mara.

But last year he was very upset when his animals were attacked and killed by a group of wolves.

He said: “There must have been five, six.”

“I was able to crawl into the hole (cave), I took an ax and waited. There was no way out, that hole saved me.”

He now keeps his animals in a shack outside the town – and makes pilgrimages down the cliff to look after them.

Petrovic receives help, and relies on donations of food and animal products.

When it comes to feeding himself, he lives mainly on mushrooms and fish that he kills in the nearby river.

Before retiring, he gave all his money to the community by donating money to build three small bridges in the town.

He explained: “Money is cursed, it destroys people.” I think there is nothing that can corrupt a person like money.

Panta made it story around the world in 2020 when he left his cave to get the Covid vaccine.

At that time he said: “I want to get all three levels, including the extra one.” I encourage every citizen to get vaccinated, every one of them. “

SePetrovic takes the phone in front of his cave


SePetrovic takes the phone in front of his caveCredit: AFP

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