Her Cancer Battle Explained & Updates – Hollywood Life

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  • Christine Marie Evert was the world number 1 tennis player and has 18 Grand slam titles to her name.
  • Christine, or ‘Chris’, as she is known, was diagnosed with cancer in Dec. 2021, two years after his sister died of cancer.
  • Chris shared his story to let people know what options they can take to protect themselves

Born in Fort Lauderdale, Fla., Christine Marie Evert(who goes by “Chris”), grew up to be one of the best tennis players ever having 18 grand slam titles to her name when she retired following her Fed Cup victory in 1989. She also started a family with her ex-husband, a former ski racer. Andy Mill. They share three sons.

Although Chris is a normal person, he is open about his life with cancer after being diagnosed in 2021. He learned in Dec. 2021 that they have Section 1C breast cancer, and announced his illness in Jan. 2022 is just around the corner for six-strong medical treatment. Read on to learn about Chris Evert’s cancer diagnosis and current status.

Chris Evert tennis
Chris Evert plays at Wimbledon in 1985 (Image: Colorsport/Shutterstock)

Chris Evert Was Diagnosed With Stage 1C Ovarian Cancer

Chris’ doctors found a malignant tumor in his fallopian tube in December 2021, and he began chemotherapy the same week he revealed his diagnosis in Jan. 2022. He announced that he has cancer through an interview with The cost of ESPN and a tweet related to his story. The cancer was discovered during a hysterectomy and luckily it was caught early and it had not been detected in other parts of her body. “I have had a very happy life. Now I have other challenges ahead of me. But, I have the comfort of knowing that the chemotherapy is to ensure that the cancer does not come back,” Chris said The cost of ESPN before starting treatment.

Although his future was uncertain, Chris admitted that he was struggling with his lack of energy. “As someone who has always controlled my life, I don’t know how to deal with strong drugs,” he said bluntly. “I must submit to something higher.”

Chris’s ovarian cancer diagnosis came less than two years after her younger sister, Jeanne Evert Dubin, died of the disease. She called watching her sister go through chemo and radiation a “devastating and heartbreaking moment”, but said her sister’s memories give her the strength to move forward with her issue. “When I go into chemo, that’s my motivation,” Chris said. “I will be thinking of him. And he will destroy me.”

What Is Ovarian Cancer?

Ovarian cancer, as it sounds, is a cancer that forms in the uterus, on Mayo Clinic. It is less common in women and often occurs in advanced stages. Dr. Joel Cardenas of the gynecology/oncology department at Cleveland Clinic Florida and surgeon Chris, said The cost of ESPN. “Three months or so from now, [Chris would] be Stage 3 or 4. If nothing happens, it goes to the stomach.

Ovarian cancer usually does not cause any symptoms in its early stages, but when it becomes more advanced, it can cause weight loss, fatigue, discomfort in the pelvic area and lower back, changes in bowel movements and eating habits, and more. Mayo Clinic. Chris has shown no signs of cancer in his annual tests, including a test that measures the amount of antigen 125 in his blood. Sadly, her sister Jeanne was diagnosed with cancer shortly after she was exhausted.

How long has Chris been sick?

Chris Evert
Chris Evert appears on the tennis court in 1985 (Photo: CHRISTOPHE SAIDI/SIPA/Shutterstock)

Chris may not have had cancer for long before it was discovered in his stomach in December 2021, considering it was early stage. He began six rounds of chemotherapy in Jan. 2022, and in Jan. 2023, declared cancer free.

Chris said he decided to share his findings to help others.

How Is Chris Evert Doing Today?

Chris wrote an article The cost of ESPN a year after he announced his illness and said “cancer freeand there is a 90 percent chance that ovarian cancer will not come back.”

“I’m sharing my story because my journey is not over,” continued Chris. “I needed time to recover from chemo and rebuild my strength, but I still had one more mountain to climb. The risk for me was greater than just breast cancer. BRCA mutations are associated with a 75% risk of developing breast cancer, and an increased risk of prostate and pancreatic cancer.

Chris revealed that he was going to slow her down risk of breast cancer, went under the knife again. “On December 1, 2022, one year after I had my hysterectomy, I underwent two operations. I held my breath as I waited for the results of my diagnosis. Fortunately, the report came back clean, and my risk of developing breast cancer has been reduced by 90%,” she said. “I thank Dr. Elisa Port, my surgeon, and Dr. Mark Sultan, my surgeon at Mount Sinai, I am well on the road to recovery.

The tennis star has urged people to get tested for mutations that could leave them at risk of certain cancers because he believes it is more dangerous not to know than to know. “My sister, like many people, was so busy taking care of everyone else, that she ignored what her body was trying to tell her. My advice is: Trust your gut, know your family history, learn about genetic testing and be an advocate for yourself,” he said. “There are doctors all over the world working to find better ways to carry BRCA mutations; for now, save your trip and spread the word.”

“I have one more operation left to complete the reconstruction. “They say this part is easy, but I can assure you, the last five years have not been,” Chris admitted. “Although I will be relieved to get to the other side of this, I will have a broken heart. I will never recover from losing Jeanne, and I will never ignore the gift she gave me during this time. My sister’s journey saved my life, and I hope by sharing mine, I will save someone else’s.

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