DOJ Calls Trump’s Delay Measures ‘Exactly Backward’ and Defense ‘Borderline Frivolous’

Critics are not amused by the fact that the 45th president is trying to avoid accountability for stealing national security group documents.

On Thursday, representatives of the Special Counsel’s office responded to Trump’s efforts to indefinitely delay his trial date on the immunity and privacy charges and to use the Presidential Records Act as a defense.

“There is no basis in law or in fact to proceed freely and freely, and the Defendants offer none,”y he wrote.

For the reasons set forth below and the Government’s submissions, the Court reschedules the trial date for December 11, 2023.

Prosecutors cited the Speedy Trial Act of 1974, saying that when the defendants criticized the government for requiring “speedy” trials, they “regressed,” saying: “Speedy trials are fundamental to the Constitution of the United States and United States. Code, not the interests of the State which must be justified. “

To be fair, Donald Trumpet he has never shown the slightest knowledge of the US Constitution, and (probably) his (probably) unpaid, embattled lawyers can’t teach him about it.

The government mentions a few things (usually not in favor of the former president):

“The first sentence of this Order presupposes what Plaintiffs have here stated:

In any case involving a criminal defendant, the competent judge, at the time he can, after consultation with the trial judge and the attorney of the State, will call the case on another day, … to ensure a speedy trial. 18 USC § 3161(a).”

Both Trump’s accusers and his valet Nauta say they won’t get a fair trial until *after* the 2024 election. Please close your eyes here, because we all know that if Trump wins, the impeachment will be dismissed immediately. We see, 45.

Critics said Trump’s claim that the Presidential Records Act protects him from prosecution was “unconscionable.”

As for the protection of Presidential Records, Mr. Trump has repeatedly complained, prosecutors have called the restrictions unreasonable, showing remarkable restraint. “Given the effect of the Presidential Records Act on this trial, any argument that the motion to dismiss or strengthen the present proceedings is without merit.”

They mentioned:

“The PRA is not a criminal law, and it cannot end the retention of national security information. The plaintiffs have the right to give any reason they want to overturn the Decision, and the Government will respond promptly. But they should not be allowed to present an argument without foundation, and call it a “book,” and then and said that the Court should continue indefinitely to solve the problem.

Also, they add:

“In addition, even if the Court can say that these legal issues were not new, the Law requires more: the issues must be new so that “it is unreasonable to expect the full preparation of the cases for trial or the trial itself within the established period. for this district.”

The administration was well aware of Donald Trump’s handling of the legal issues and the mounting criminal charges. Trump’s first move is always to delay the delay, while he destroys the jury pool with incessant accusations of “witch hunts” and political persecution.

Indeed, Trump has little protection to offer for his theft of these classified documents, and even less for sharing them with others who are not authorized to see them.

Trump’s actions have threatened the national security of the United States, the safety of our people, and the safety of our troops and assets. Others who did 1/10th of what they were accused of faced serious problems and were not permanently suspended for any reason, let alone running for president.

Donald Trump is from here to be known as “Borderline Frivolous, Exactly Backward.”

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