Democracies Are Stronger Without Texts

Democrats see the threat of a third-party presidential election and No Labels seriously as Wisconsin Democratic Party Chairman Ben Wikler warned that under the No Labels sign there is a Trump sign.


Wikler told CNN’s Jim Acosta when asked about No Labels, “You know, if you take away the No Labels, you see the Trump campaign’s logo on the ground. The best way to think of No Labels is as a kind of desperate scam. A desperate scam supported by mega Republican donors that just turns voters away.” leaving Biden is paving the way for Donald Trump. That’s why he’s not finding traction among activists, among anyone except a small group of mega-donors on the right. That’s a real issue, I think, for them and it defies their designation.”

With state presidential races determined by narrow margins like these, a third-party candidate with big money could pull votes away from President Biden and send Donald Trump to the White House.

I don’t think an unknown national Democrat like Sen. Joe Manchin is the answer that No Labels thinks he might be.

However, as anyone who lived through the 2000 election will tell you, it only takes a third party winner in a handful of states to deliver the entire presidential vote.

The Democrats are not sleeping on the threat of No Labels, and they are showing that No Labels has a label, and it is Trump 2024.

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