‘DC Elites’ Should Live On Our Borders, Not Ukraine’s

“I am confident that freedom in Florida is what most people will choose over defecating on the streets of San Francisco,” Florida. Gov. Ron DeSantisthe Republican presidential candidate, said at the end of an interview on Friday with the former host of Fox News Tucker Carlson.

Considering the differences between Florida’s priorities and California’s, DeSantis said, “Let the people choose a better vision for the United States of America.”

In a lengthy interview with Carlson, DeSantis answered the question of whether California Gov. Gavin Newsom will replace President Joe Biden on the Democratic presidential ticket.

DeSantis, who sat down to talk with Carlson in Des Moines, Iowa, during a religious service. Family Leadership Conference, answered these and other questions related to his presidential election. Some Republicans presidential candidates he also answered questions from Carlson at the event.

Reform FBI, Bureaucracy

“What do you do with the FBI or the CIA or agencies that have armed forces and have intelligence that you don’t have and they are numerous, how do you manage that?” Carlson asked DeSantis.

On “Day One,” DeSantis said, he’s appointed a new FBI director, but said it’s not enough to oversee the federal government.

“There are thousands and thousands of people in the executive office that are appointed by the president,” the Florida governor said. “You have to have all the people ready to go to the Senate in January 2025.”

If the incoming president doesn’t have staff and aides ready to go right away, DeSantis said, “career managers” will run everything. Equally important, he stressed, is the need for proper workers who will not budge when opposed by the Left and the media.

Finally, DeSantis said, many people in government can and should be fired or held accountable for their actions.

Carlson said government officials during the COVID-19 pandemic have worked with Big Tech, especially social media companies, to do more research.

“People died because of this, because they were researching the facts about COVID, that if people had adopted those facts, the world would have been better and the countries would have been better,” DeSantis said.

He said his goal as president would be to dismantle the “weapons” of federal agencies under the Biden administration.

Ukraine and the Border

Carlson realized that if DeSantis became president, he would lead America’s foreign policy. He asked the Republican senator what he would do about the Russia-Ukraine war.

DeSantis first responded that he fought in the Iraq War and the lesson he learned from that experience is that “you need a real sense of what you’re trying to accomplish.”

His current problem with US policy on Ukraine policy, he said, is that Washington leaders are not telling the American people “when we have achieved our goal.”

Florida’s ambassador said he believes Russian leader Vladimir Putin is a “bad guy,” but that’s a different question than what the United States should do in the world. He said the focus should be on the interests of the US.

DeSantis, who was re-elected last year in a landslide, pointed out how the “DC elite” cares more about what’s happening in Ukraine than what’s happening on America’s southern border.

“I wish D.C. officials would pay as much attention to our border as they do to the Ukraine-Russia border,” DeSantis said. “Because there are people pouring into this country, we have people dying of fentanyl overdose, the cartels are running the show, what I said is the first day. [I’d] declare a national emergency, gather all the weapons including the army, stop the attack. “

Nature of Life

DeSantis told Carlson that in the past half century, with the advent of Roe v. Wade and the availability of abortion on demand, the United States allowed practices that are “obscene,” including early and postpartum abortion.

He said that although “Rome was not built in a day,” he would do everything he could with the president’s “bullshit pulpit” to help countries advance what he called “the cause of life.”

DeSantis said he’s handled a lot, even from supporters and donors, on the abortion issue. He signed a “Heartbeat” becomes law in April that they prevent abortion when the fetus has a heart attack.

He praised Iowa Gov. Kim Reynolds, his fellow Republican, for signing a similar bill in a heartbeat on Friday.

“We were able to do this in Florida, we were very vocal in Florida, but I’m proud that I’ve been a pro-life governor and I’m going to be a pro-life president,” DeSantis said.

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