‘Confounding Many Sections’ – CNN Panel Dismisses Joe Biden For Refusal To Acknowledge His Navy Granddaughter Joan Roberts (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit | by Cristina Laila

You know it’s bad when CNN is calling Joe Biden out for being a monster.

The CNN team blasted Joe Biden for refusing to acknowledge his granddaughter, Navy Joan Roberts.

Joe and Jill Biden are giants.

Mr. Biden not only insulted his grandson in public, but White House aides as well In private, Biden has six grandchildren, not seven.

Hunter Biden has a 4-year-old daughter, Navy Joan, with DC stripper Lunden Roberts.

Joe Biden refuses to acknowledge the love child of Hunter Biden and Roberts.

Navy Joan will be 5 years old in August.

Navy Joan

According to The New York Times, White House aides are being told to publicly say Joe Biden has six grandchildren, not seven.

Navy Joan knows her father is Hunter and her grandfather is Joe Biden, The Times reported.

“They talk about both of them often, but they’ve never met,” New York Times reporter Ken Vogel said.

CNN’s Dana Bash said Biden’s refusal to acknowledge his grandson “is disturbing on many levels.”

“This is a sad and disturbing story on so many levels,” CNN’s Dana Bash said.

“All this has to do with a four-year-old boy who knows his paternal grandfather…. It’s inconsistent with what we’ve been told that Joe Biden is forever,” the CNN columnist said.

Joe Biden has always been the underdog. He was not a kind hearted person or a loving father/grandfather.


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