Characteristics and Benefits of Social Health Networks

Supporting our Health Leaders is the sole purpose of the Social Health Network (SHN).

As a Health Union team, we welcome patients, caregivers, and HCPs from all communities to bring compassion, support, and humanity to health care through the power of community.

How do we do this?

We have many products, events, and opportunities to raise your voice and influence as a health leader. Here are just a few examples of the ways we create products, resources, and opportunities for you to strengthen your reach as a leader in your community:

Public on Sundays and weekends

Check out our weekly posts on the community to learn skills like Maximizing Your Value as a Patient Valued Thought Leader, What Is a Resilient Leader?and Basic Tips for Motivational Speaking. When you sign up for an SHN account, you’ll also receive a weekly newsletter with all the latest content, opportunities, and resources delivered directly to your inbox.

Patient Oriented Education

Did you know we have free courses on the SHN platform? From Appreciating Your Expertise as a Patient Leaderto How to Use TikTok for Healthto Law Enforcement for Beginners – we have resources for every step of the healthcare leadership journey. Be sure to check them out!

Resources for Health Management

Not ready to take one of our courses yet, but want to learn more? Check out ours more about Health Management on the SHN platform.

Webinars, Panels, Networking Events, and more

SHN hosts webinars and events to teach skills and facilitate discussion among people. After each event, we post a recap on our SHN website and on the SHN Platform. You can view a list of panels, webinars, and events such as How to Use Social Media as a Patient Leader, Promoting A Terminal Condition, Writing Your Conversation Essay, etc. Check out ours SHN Platform Resource page for a summary of our past events.

Paid Patient Referral Opportunity

Patient Leaders should be adequately compensated for their time and expertise. From social media campaigns, content creation and management of our 40+ Health Union communities, speaking events, information opportunities, and more, you can find an updated list of available opportunities on our Social Health Network platform. Insights, affiliate opportunities & payment method for Gigs.

The Patient Leader’s Guide

Looking to connect with Patient Leaders in or outside of your area? Check out ours The Patient Leader’s Guide to the Social Health Network connecting with thousands of patients, caregivers, and HCPs who advocate for the cause.

Social Health Network Facebook group

Connect with other health leaders who are part of SHN by joining Private Facebook Group.

Patient Leader Awards

By connecting on the SHN platform, you will earn points to redeem for rewards. From LinkedIn Tips to SHN swag to gift cards – we’ve got a few resources for Healthcare Leaders to use to increase their effectiveness. Click here to view our current awards.

Social Health Connexion

Once a year, we host a premier event for Patient Leaders to connect, engage, and learn. To find out more about our next event, visit our website Connexion page.

Social Health Awards

We also annually recognize and honor Patient Leaders in all areas of their support with the Public Health Awards. With 10 award categories, we want to shine a light on those who are making a difference in all aspects of healthcare leadership. To learn more about this program, see our Social Health Awards website.

Return to Social Health Network check out what we have regularly! We are always adding new features, opportunities, and events.

We look forward to supporting you on your healthcare leadership journey and want you to know that we will always be there for you. Please do not hesitate to contact our team at or send us a message on the SHN platform.

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