Biden’s Evolving Biology on Abortion

While President Joe Biden issued a proclamation on the last day of February in honor Women’s History Month, which was about to begin on March 1, made abortion one of its main topics.

In doing so, he used a very common derogatory term a cliche used to prevent abortion politicians: “their bodies.”

“Last year,” said Mr. Biden, “the Supreme Court decided Roe v. Wade, taking away the constitutional rights of the American people and the ability of millions of women to make decisions about their bodies, putting their health and lives at risk. “

This is not the first time Biden has used the term “their bodies” when advocating abortion.

For example, last August, Mr. Biden issued a proclamation on Women’s Equality Day, expressing his “commitment” to “protecting women’s rights.”

“This commitment is more important than ever in the wake of the Supreme Court’s transformative decision Roe v. Wade and take away women’s right to choose,” said Biden.

“Like countries across the country denying women the ability to make decisions about their bodies, their families, and their futures, my administration remains committed to protecting access to reproductive care, regardless of gender, race, ZIP code, or income,” he said.

In May 2022, the Senate passed the Women’s Health Protection Act. “This bill,” said its summary, “repeals state restrictions on abortion, as well as access to abortion.”

All 50 Senate Republicans and Democratic Sens. Joe Manchin voted not to end the debate on the bill and in doing so killed it.

“Republicans in Congress – none of whom voted for this document – have chosen to stand up for the right of Americans to make choices about themselves, their families, and their lives,” Biden said in response to the vote. .

While the Senate debated the bill, Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., echoed Biden’s comments.

“Senate Republicans will be faced with a choice: Vote to protect women’s right to freedom over their bodies or stand up to the Supreme Court as 50 years of women’s rights have turned into silence before our eyes,” he said.

Vice President Kamala Harris also often uses these same motivational words when discussing the issue of killing an unborn child.

In May, Harris spoke on EMILY’s List. On its website, the group says: “We elect Democratic women to office.”

“You know, it seems like yesterday, but it was actually a year ago this month that we were all together at this dinner and the idea of ​​Dobbs had just been brought up,” Harris said that night. “And I had three words in my mind that night: ‘No!’

“How dare they attack the medical system,” Harris said. “How dare they attack our human rights. How can they attack the right of American women to choose over their own bodies. “

Last October, Harris spoke at a Democratic Party convention in Texas, where he attacked pro-life political leaders.

“And now, many of the so-called extremist leaders want the whole world to ban abortion. All over the world,” he said. “They believe that the government, not women, should make decisions about their bodies. Well, we don’t.”

In September 2021, Harris spoke at the White House on a “reproductive rights agenda”.

“The president and I have no doubt that we are on the side of Roe v. Wade and the state law of Roe v. Wade, and women’s right to make decisions for themselves and whoever they choose—about their bodies,” Harris said. “And, otherwise, the right of women to decide what to do with their own bodies cannot be abolished. Women’s right to make decisions about their bodies is their choice. It is their body.”

But is it only “their body” that is affected by abortion?

No. Abortion takes away a person’s life.

Yes, this human life is carried inside the mother’s body, but it is not her body. He is a different and special person.

The Conference of Catholic Bishops of America has collected the words written in the scientific literature that show that human life begins when a man is born. One of these is from Van Nostrand’s Scientific Encyclopedia, published in 1976.

“At the time when a man’s sperm cell meets a woman’s egg and the sperm’s egg produces a zygote, a new life has begun,” says this scientific encyclopedia.

“Zygote. This cell results from the union of the oocyte and sperm during fertilization,” said the book “The Developing Human: Clinically Oriented Embryology” in 2003.

“Zygote is the beginning of a new person (ie, embryo).”

Why Biden?. Or do they try to hide it because knowing it would undermine any argument they can make for legal abortion—which takes the life of an innocent person?

Biden himself has made controversial statements about when a person’s life begins, while maintaining his position on abortion. In a 2012 debate with Republican vice president Paul Ryan (as this column previously reported), Biden said his belief at the time that life begins at birth in the Catholic Church – not. natural science.

He said: “On the issue of abortion, I agree that my church considers abortion to be a false doctrine. Life begins at conception. That is the judgment of the church. I accept it in my life. “

Then he said: “I just refuse to force others, unlike my friend here.”

In September 2021, as president, Mr. Biden (as Newsweek reported) showed the opposite.

“I respect those – those – who believe that life begins at the moment of conception and everything,” Biden said. “I respect that. I don’t agree, but I respect that. I will not force people to do that.”

By always shining a light on the indisputable truth that human life begins at birth, pro-life political leaders can restore legal respect for this type of right to life.


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