What is TAM, SAM, SOM: Guide for SMBs

SOM stands for “Serviceable Obtainable Market,” which is the estimated market size that you can capture. What is SOM (Serviceable Obtainable Market)? SOM is an estimate of the portion of…

What Is DKIM and How Can It Boost Your Email Security?

Have you ever received an email from a trusted source that turned out to be a malicious phishing scam? It’s like getting a letter that looks like it’s from your…

12 Essential Steps For Every New Business Leader

Starting a new business is something that you may not have experience in, but you need to get things right straight away. Everyone you hire will be looking at you…

What is a SWOT Analysis? Guide for Small Businesses

When writing a SWOT analysis, it’s important to be objective and include both positive and negative information. Start by brainstorming the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats that apply to your…

Meme stock index backed by 4 quarters of doubling earnings growth | Insights

This article was written by Lindsay Varzarevsky, Keith Gerstein and Loic Frappier. It appeared first on the Bloomberg Terminal.  Background Strong earnings have encouraged meme stock traders to continue backing…

Offering The Best Electric Vehicle Car Park Management Solutions For Your Business

In an era dominated by technological advancements and sustainability drives, jumps into the future are no longer imaginary flights of fancy but materialized realities. A striking manifestation of this progress…

SOP Benefits for Small Business

Standard operating procedures provide many benefits for small businesses that cannot be overlooked. Let’s look at some of the top benefits of standard operating procedures. SOPs Help Save Money By…

Munis’ August performance reliant on carry as alternatives shine | Insights

This article was written by Bloomberg Intelligence Strategist Eric Kazatsky and Bloomberg Intelligence Senior Associate Analyst Karen Altamirano. It appeared first on the Bloomberg Terminal.  Municipal bonds’ performance was positive…

What is Sales Force Automation? Guide for SMBs

Perhaps you’re considering sales automation but need encouragement to pull the trigger and invest. Sales force automation tools are extremely beneficial to several businesses in various industries. For instance, some…

How to Start a Blog for Your Small Business

How to Start a Blog for Your Small Business – Small Business Bonfire Home » Blogging » How to Start a Blog for Your Small Business Source…